Deleting and Merging Leads
Deleting A single Lead
You may need to delete leads for various reasons. To do so, on the left side of a leads page, scroll to the bottom and look for the Delete Lead button, click and confirm.
Deleting a single Lead
Deleting Leads in Bulk
To delete many leads at once, search for the leads you want to delete using your desired criteria under Narrow results, then go to the More button (...) > Bulk Edit > Choose bulk action type as Delete the leads > Next > Bulk delete.
Deleting Leads in Bulk
Merge Leads
A few things before you merge
Once merged, a lead can't be unmerged.
If conflicts exist in the lead name, description, status, or a custom field, we will keep the data from the destination lead and discard that data from the current lead.
You may need to merge leads for different reasons, for example, duplicates, 2 contacts in the same company, etc. To do so, on the left side of the leads page you want to merge, scroll to the bottom and look for the Merge Lead button > Choose the destination lead > Merge into this lead and confirm.