Duplicate or delete an email sequence

Want to re-send an Email Sequence to a Contact after a certain time period? Or, did you accidentally select the wrong sender for an Email Sequence and want to go back?

Although you cannot subscribe a Contact to the same Sequence twice, you can duplicate an existing Sequence easily in Close.

Duplicate a Sequence

You can duplicate an Email Sequence on the All Email Sequences page or within the Edit Email Sequence page.

Click on the drop-down menu next to the sequence name and select, Duplicate.

Duplicate an Email Sequence

Or, within the Edit Email Sequence page by selecting the Duplicate this Email Sequence icon in the top or bottom right corner.

Duplicate an Email Sequence (within Edit screen)

Email templates (steps) are not duplicated

When you duplicate an email sequence, the new email sequence will still refer to the original email templates (listed as steps).

That means if you duplicate an email sequence and edit steps (email content) in a new sequence, changes will be reflected in the old/original sequence as well. If this is not what you intended - make sure to duplicate the email templates as well and select the different email templates in each sequence.

Delete an Email Sequence

You can delete an Email Sequence on the All Email Sequences page or within the Edit Email Sequence page.

Click on the drop-down menu next to the sequence name and select, Delete.

Delete a Sequence

Or, within the Edit Email Sequence page by selecting, 'Delete this Email Sequence' in the top or bottom right corner.

Delete an Email Sequence (within the Edit screen)

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