Sent Email Report

The Sent Email Report provides a breakdown of the number of Emails you've sent and the number/percentage of Opens and Responses. The report separates the metrics out for total Emails and for any Email Templates you've used. Click on any number to search Close for the Leads that match the criteria chosen.

This report can help you conduct A/B testing of subject lines and content with your Email Templates, as well as understand the efficacy of your sales team’s emails to prospects.

Autoresponder messages

Close will check an incoming email’s subject line and headers to determine if it’s an autoresponder (e.g. variations of “auto(matic) reply/response” and "out of the office").

Any detected autoresponders will not count towards your email opened or responded numbers in the Sent Email report. Also, the search email(has_reply: yes) will not include emails that only have an autoresponder reply.

If you think an autoresponder has slipped through the cracks and hasn’t been properly detected, send over a message to support.

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