Phone number billing
Calling and SMS features are available to any user who joins Close, regardless of the subscription price. In 2019, we moved towards usage-based pricing to make this possible.
Telephony usage entails three parts -- Calling, SMS, and Phone Number rentals. For a promotional period of time after Close's switch to usage-based pricing, phone rentals were made available to any new Close user without an additional cost. At this time, all parts of the telephony usage are now being billed as usage.
How Phone Number Usage is Billed
Like Calling and SMS usage, Close charges pass-through costs using rates from Twilio, our telephony provider. For a comprehensive list of phone number type and cost, click here.
When a number is added or changed, the monthly cost for that number is charged immediately.
However, clients still receive monthly usage credits from Close towards their overall telephony package as a part of their Close subscription.
What to Expect on Invoices
Close clients will still be billed for their subscription separately from usage. On usage invoices, you can expect to see a break-down for the period leading up to a new usage credit re-charge.
This break-down will include the amount of usage credits allotted towards sms, calls, and phone number rentals.
For any further questions, please contact