Integrations by type
Browse some of our most popular integrations here.
If you don't see the integration you're looking for, you can create a custom integration with Zapier or our API.
If you have any questions about integrations, reach out to our support team at any time.
Integrations by Type:
General integrations
- Zapier - push your data between hundreds of popular web services. Start here.
- Xplenty - integrate, transform and process data from more than 100 data stores and SaaS applications such as Close, Facebook Ads and Google Analytics. With our unique data delivery platform, we free you from the hassle of traditional data integration and ETL so that you can focus on what really matters: analytics, insights, and business value.
- Stitch - connect to Close, Facebook Ads, and many more and replicates the raw data to a data warehouse. With this ETL service built for developers, decision-makers are free to interact with their company’s data using the tools of their choice, whether that’s BI platforms, data science programming languages, or a simple SQL client. Start here to get your Close data into your data warehouse.
Helpdesk integrations
- Help Scout - Bring your Close lead data into your Help Scout tickets automatically using this native integration. If no Close lead can be found for a customer in Help Scout, you can create one at the push of a button directly from the Help Scout sidebar. Start here to get your lead data into Help Scout tickets.
Call Analytics
- Gong - break down every aspect of your sales teams calls with Gong’s audio analysis tools. All recorded calls will be automatically analyzed by Gong including text transcription, grouped into topics, searchable, and ready to provide quick and easy sales manager feedback. Read through our Gong FAQ here.
- - send rule-based messages based on customer behavior. Check out our blog post and a live webinar featuring Steli and the CEO of, Colin Nederkoorn.
- - turn Drip subscribers into Close leads. See their announcement and how-to page.
- Intercom - sync closed conversations from Intercom to Close via Zapier integration, or enable full 2-way sync via Highways app
- See Zapier (listed above).
Lead Generation
- LinkMatch - create and update Close leads directly from LinkedIn profiles with LinkMatch's Google Chrome Extension. More details on how this works are available here.
- SalesOptimize - generate new e-commerce leads and export them directly into Close. Check out our blog post or theirs and see a quick demo of the integration in action over here.
- snapADDY - grab contact information from the web, e-mail signatures or documents and save it in Close More details on how it works over here.
Lead data enrichment / social
- LeadFuze - automatically find leads' emails, domains, and social media profiles. Find out more on our blog.
Contracts & documents
- PandaDoc - create quotes, proposals and contracts that pull in lead data. Then send and track them right in Close! Read an introduction the integration and check out our integration article for tips on getting started.
- GetAccept - send your sales documents from Close and track their progress with real-time notes posted on each lead's Close page. Check out more features and details here alongside the full setup guide here.
- Docusign - automate signature requests with Close and update opportunities in Close when envelopes are signed in DocuSign. Check out our Zapier integration here
Reporting & dashboards
- AppInsights - build custom dashboards using Close metrics.
- Plecto - visualize real-time sales data from Close Customize dashboards and recognize success with automated “win” notifications, milestone achievements and sales leaderboards. More on our blog.
- CommissionApp - automatically generate instant commission reports from opportunities in Close. See our blog for more.
- Smart Reporting - create lead and opportunity time-based Reporting from your Close data. More details are available here.
Team communication
- HeyUpdate - keep your team in sync using activity from the services you already use and asks team members to write short updates each day to add extra context. More on our blog post.
CRM data import
- Import2 - easily import data from other CRMs into Close.
- 99Inbound - connect your webforms directly to Close integration. Build a form with 99Inbound, deploy it to your website, then new submissions create leads in Close. Great for contact forms, white paper distribution, and webinar sign-ups. You can also integrate 99inbound and Close with existing webforms, Wordpress, and Squarespace. Here's how to connect 99inbound and Close.
Build your own!
Check out our API.