
PandaDoc is a document automation software with built-in electronic signatures to sign, seal and deliver closed deals faster.

Using our integration you can generate sales documents directly from Close within minutes. PandaDoc provides everything you need to build sales collateral from Close - sales reps can create quotes, proposals, contracts, receive signatures and track deals right from Close.

What you’ll need

  • A Close account and your API key
  • A PandaDoc Business account with Classic Editor enabled

How the integration works

Instead of copy/pasting Close lead and opportunity data manually into PandaDoc documents, you can directly embed them. In other words, integration allows you to merge Close data with the PandaDoc document using PandaDoc tokens which are used as placeholders for information like first name, last name, and email address.


Enable Close integration

With your Close API key ready, go to PandaDoc > Settings > Integrations and enable Close

Close integration turned off in PandaDoc

Close integration turned off in PandaDoc

Paste the API key in the field box and click Connect Close

Close API key in PandaDoc

Close API key in PandaDoc

You should be successfully connected.

Close integration turned on in PandaDoc

Close integration turned on in PandaDoc

You will also notice that you have 2 new integration links in your Close account:

  • Send Document via PandaDoc - type Contact -<span ng-non-bindable>{{}}</span>
  • Send Document via PandaDoc - type Opportunity -<span ng-non-bindable>{{}}</span>

PandaDoc integration links

PandaDoc integration links

We will use those at the end of this tutorial to actually send documents from Close to PandaDoc.

Set up PandaDoc template

Now that PandaDoc has access to Close data via the API, we need to create a PandaDoc template that will utilize (merge) that data.

Go to PandaDoc > Template

Create a new template dropdown

Create a new template dropdown

Click on Create a new template

Create a new template

Create a new template

The first thing we need to do is create a Role (see PandaDoc role documentation). Template roles are used to help you pre-define fields and tokens (placeholders) for your recipient’s information. For example, the most usual Role is just Client which we will create right now via Roles in the right sidebar:

Creating new Client role

Creating new Client role

Now we can insert tokens into our template which will act as placeholders for Close information. Go to Content > Tokens and click on any of the tokens to copy them

Tokens (placeholders)

Tokens (placeholders)

and then just paste them as a regular text inside a template like so:

Client tokens (placeholders)

Client tokens (placeholders)

Here is the list of all tokens you can use to send data from Close to PandaDoc. Note: tokens are not universal, i.e. Leads tokens won't work if you create documents from a Contact record.

Hed Dek goes here.
Close field PandaDoc token
Opportunity Fields
Opportunity Lead Name [Opportunity.lead_name]
Opportunity User Name [Opportunity.user_name]
Opportunity Note [Opportunity.note]
Opportunity Value [Opportunity.value]
Opportunity Value Formatted [Opportunity.value_formatted]
Opportunity Value Period [Opportunity.value_period]
Opportunity Value Currency [Opporunity.value_currency]
Opportunity Date Created [Opportunity.date_created]
Opportunity Date Updated [Opportunity.date_updated]
Organization Fields
Organization Name []
Organization Currency [Organization.currency]
Organization Currency Symbol [Organization.currency_symbol]
Organization Current Monthly Price [Organization.current_monthly_price]
Organization Leads Email [Organization.leads_email]
Contact Fields
Contact Name []
Contact Title [Contact.title]
Contact Email []
Contact Phone []
Lead Fields
Lead Name []
Lead Status Label [Lead.status_label]
Lead Description [Lead.description]
Lead Created by Name [Lead.created_by_name]
Lead Address 1 [Lead.address.address_1]
Lead Address 2 [Lead.address.address_2]
Lead Address City []
Lead Address State [Lead.address.state]
Lead Address Zipcode [Lead.address.zipcode]
Lead Address Country []
Lead Address Label [Lead.address.label]
Lead Created Date [Lead.date_created]
Lead Update Date [Lead.date_updated]
Lead Display Name [Lead.display_name]
Lead HTML URL [Lead.html_url]
Lead URL [Lead.url]
User Fields
User Email []
User First Name [User.first_name]
User Last Name [User.last_name]
SOURCE: Sources

Now you're ready to create your pre-filled PandaDoc documents from Close.

Send a document from Close to PandaDoc

When you are viewing an opportunity in Close, the custom data from the page will merge directly into the template to create a new document. All you need to do is send your document using three dots ... on the Opportunity (or a Contact) and Send Document via PandaDoc

Send Document via PandaDoc

Send Document via PandaDoc

A link will look something like which will redirect you to the PandaDoc page to select your template, in our case that will be Close Template:

Selecting a template in PandaDoc

Selecting a template in PandaDoc

The last step is to assign people to roles. Here you will find your information, as well as information of a contact assigned to an opportunity in Close, in this case that's John Doe which we will select as our Client (our role we created earlier):

Assigning people to roles

Assigning people to roles

Click Start Editing and your template will be pre-filled with Close data:

Pre-filled PandaDoc document

Pre-filled PandaDoc document

PandaDoc documentation

To learn more about this integration check out PandaDoc's resources:

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