Porting your number

By default, our provider supports the porting of US and Canadian numbers.

If you'd like to port a number from another country, please reach out to support@close.com to see if we can port the number. Make sure to include the country name, full number, and a number type (local/mobile/toll-free).

Porting a number into Close will stop the service of that number with your existing provider. Make sure this does not interfere with any contracts you may have tied to that number or phone carrier.

Porting process for Twilio numbers

If your numbers are with Twilio, this type of porting is considered an internal transfer between Twilio projects and as such process is greatly simplified.

  1. Send an email to support@close.com with the following information:
    • phone numbers - the full phone numbers you wish to move
    • your Twilio account SID - identifier that starts with AC
    • regulatory requirements (optional) - any documentation that's required for regulatory compliance
    • time frame - the requested time frame for your change to complete
  2. We'll submit a ticket to Twilio to request a transfer and we'll provide you with your Close Twilio account SID to use in Step 3
  3. You'll submit the same ticket from your end as well so Twilio can confirm the transfer

Porting numbers from other carriers

  1. Fill out the LOA form here. Remember to include all numbers and sign it.
  2. Download or take a screenshot of the most recent invoice from your phone carrier which proves the ownership of the number. Another option is to find the Customer Service Record (CSR) for the phone number. You only need to send in one of these.

Make sure that the name and address on the LOA matches invoice (or Customer Service Record) exactly.

  1. Send an email to support@close.com that should include the following:
    • Signed LOA form from Step 1
    • Invoice screenshot or your CSR from Step 2
    • Do you need SMS functionality for the number(s)?
    • Is this a wireless number port? If yes, share the wireless account number and PIN/passcode. (If you don't know the account number or PIN/passcode, ask your phone carrier.)
    • Your preferred port date. (Keep in mind that processing a port request often takes 5-10 business days).

If you do not wish to fully port your number into Close (and it's a VoIP number), Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC) could be a great option.

Porting numbers out of Close

You can port-out your numbers from Close at any time.

To initiate a port-out from Close, please reach out to support@close.com with the number you are porting out and the gaining (new) provider name.

  • If you're moving over to another Twilio subaccount we'll send you your Close Twilio subaccount ID that you'll use to submit an internal-transfer ticket to Twilio.
  • If you're moving to a non-Twilio provider we'll send you the CSR information that you need to submit with your new provider to initiate a port request.

Once we receive a request for a port-out, we'll approve it on our end.

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